Coming Down the Mountain

Worship Series: September 23 - October 28, 2018

Peter, James, and John climbed to the top of the mountain with Jesus. Something profound happend there. They shared an experience that filled them with wonder. It changed their lives. Life was good. It was so good Peter wanted to stay: "Rabbi, let's pitch some tents in this place; let's stay here." Jesus was all about relationships and the people. He leads the disciples down the mountain to be with the people. Just imagine if Jesus would have said, "Cool. Pitch those tents. Let's just stay put. It's comfortable here." Imagine what would have happened. Quite possibly, nothing.

We share those same mountaintop experiences; those moments we don't want to end. We want to recapture them and hold onto them forever. But our faith is about a journey, not a destination. We don't stop when things are good. We don't simply pitch tents and campout forever, do we?

Our faith asks us a bigger question: Will we follow Jesus down the mountain?

Week 1: September 23, 2018
Sermon: "The Next Day," Rev. Ryan Canaday


Week 2: September 30, 2018
Sermon: "Do We Start with Grace?" Rev. Jessica Rooks


Week 3: October 7, 2018
Sermon: "The Courage To Be All In," Rev. Ryan Canaday


Week 4: October 14, 2018
Sermon: "Inspired to Wonder," Rev. Jessica Rooks


Week 5: October 21, 2018
Sermon: "Beyond," Rev. Ryan Canaday


Week 6: October 28, 2018
Sermon: "Why We Exist," Revs. Jessica Rooks and Ryan Canaday
